Different Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries You May Face


Accidents can cause a wide variety of debilitating injuries that force the victim to alter their entire lifestyle to accommodate their condition. The most common types of injuries that most victims experience are those that affect the brain. Traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, exist on a broad scale. Some have only a temporary impact on the victim’s life, whereas others can impose lifelong consequences. Below you’ll find more information on what types of TBIs you might face in the event of a sudden accident.

TBIs You May Face After an Accident

A TBI can result from any sudden impact inflicted upon the brain. Any event that causes your body to be abruptly pushed or pulled in a certain given direction can cause the brain to collide into the inner surfaces of the skull, resulting in injuries that vary widely in severity.

Most people do not recognize symptoms of a TBI right away, as many of the prominent symptoms can take days or even weeks to manifest. For this reason, it is vital that you visit a medical professional immediately after an accident, as they can alert you to any complications in your physical health and safety. The doctor will diagnose the type and severity of your condition and develop a long-term treatment plan. Injuries you may be treated for are listed below:

  • Concussion: This is the most common TBI that accident victims experience, often in the form of an altered mental state and loss of consciousness.
  • Inflammation: This is a secondary TBI where excess fluids accumulate around the brain as the body attempts to heal the initial injury. The brain will swell as this happens, usually occurring up to five days after the original injury.
  • Contusion: Minor blood vessels may leak into the brain tissue, causing a “brain bruise.”
  • Hematoma: When larger blood vessels rupture, blood clots can form and severely impact your health. Victims often struggle with impaired vision and speech, seizures, and weakness. If no medical treatment is sought for this injury, a stroke may occur if the blood clots break free.
  • Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage: Blood may escape into the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain and flows throughout the central nervous system. This can cause paralysis, a coma, or death.
  • Diffuse axonal injury: Nerve cells can be severed or otherwise severely damaged during an accident, resulting in life-altering physical and cognitive disabilities.

What to Do If You Are Suffering from an Accident-Related TBI

TBIs can have dreadful impacts on an individual’s life and wellbeing. You may suffer from physical, cognitive, emotional, and sensory effects related to your injuries, all of which can profoundly alter your mental health and, thus, change the course of your life, perhaps permanently.

If you have incurred any of the above injuries in an accident, get in touch with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. They will ensure that you receive the necessary compensation to treat your condition and return to health with minimal stress and hardship. You do not have to endure this alone. With a personal injury lawyer’s support, you can hold the at-fault party responsible and avoid the burden of covering the immense medical expenses on your own. Contact a lawyer today to get started.